Customer Testimonials

Here are some feedback from our customers:

Boutin Family:

Nadia and Léna :

As promised, here are some “souvenir” photos from our wonderful navigation on the Mayenne. Adults and children alike keep beautiful images and excellent moments on the Nolwenn in memory. Friendly lock keepers and locks, not to mention our stop at La Benâtre and the warm atmosphere at Isabelle, Dominique, and Clément’s restaurant! We thank you again for your kindness and availability.
Have a great season, Nadia and Léna Marine, Gabrielle, and Raphaël (the fisherman…)


Hello Valeri,

I would like to thank you for arranging our boat trip; we all enjoyed it immensely. The boat Charlotte was just right for us.

All the best, David Britnell

Jacques GENET :


Finally, a little time to share our sailing impressions from March 27th to April 3rd. Everyone came back delighted. The hiccups of our journey (due to the start of the season) were quickly forgotten and turned into anecdotes. We appreciated the availability of all the people “recruited” to make our trip enjoyable. Overall, the lock keepers were also available and some provided good navigation advice. As we mentioned, a raclette and two blankets would be welcome on board. Unfortunately, we can’t send you some photos (too many pixels!). So we wish this new team a very good season.

Jacques GENET

Frans Van Houten :

Hello friends,

On behalf of Aad, I warmly thank you for the warm welcome and the very pleasant and constructive stay in your beautiful region. We returned home yesterday at 10 p.m. in great shape and with many impressions and ideas. I wish you a good season with many satisfied customers, just like us.

River cruising in Daon is like Mayenne cider: sparkling and calming… And an invitation to a future tasting.

Best regards, Frans Van Houten.


I wanted to say a BIG thank you for being SO good at your job, being so kind and full of information. We have now come back from La Mayenne and LOVED it. You were so right : beautiful river, wonderful boat, friendly people (loved Madeleine).
It was perfect for us. Thank you. Please can you also say a big thank you to Madeleine for being so kind and good too. Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful holiday too.
Very best wishes
Nigel Crofton


Dear Friends of the CANALOUS Base,

As promised, here are some photos from our cruise on the Mayenne. We have very fond memories, especially of the welcome at your base. Nothing was lacking: availability, professionalism, and above all, smiles.

Crew and Captain ANDRE

Capitaine DADDY :

Wonderful cruise on the Mayenne in Pays de la Loire (Anjou) from April 10th to 17th, 2010, on a Tarpon 42 N thanks to the funny but very disciplined crew composed of: Captain: Daddy General Coordinator: Chouchou Joker: Clémentine Superintendent: Mathilde Lieutenants: Lancelot and Julien Sub-lieutenants: Evrard and Antoine Quartermaster: Achille Lookout: Henri Thanks to the entire crew (8 grandchildren) who made this flawless navigation possible!

Bernard LECOURT :


An excellent weekend of navigation on the magnificent Tarpon 42 with small locks that pass well. This proves that even in mid-October, we can have very beautiful days, drive from the outside deck, and fully enjoy the Mayenne!

Bernard Le Court (Paris) and Jean-Jacques Boudret (Gisors) Weekend of October 15th to 17th.